The Physical Chemistry Department at Fulmer Research Institute 1950 to 1980
A personal view
by Ron Lewin – Member of the Physical Chemistry department
Photograph of the Main house showing the south facing windows of the Physical Chemistry Department ; the flower borders are in bloom and the croquet hoops are on the lawn (Z015)
The Title of this paper can have different interpretations. As someone who worked at Fulmer from leaving school until 30 years on it means the experimental work, the staff, the buildings, the history, the friendship.
This paper centres on the experimental work of the Physical Chemistry Department but is surrounded by other facets to bring the Research work to life I joined Fulmer in 1950 in the early days when there were very few staff. Mr Liddiard our Managing Director lived next door to my Headmaster in Stoke Poges. In passing Mr Humpheryes mentioned he had three boys leaving school who were keen on science.
This conversation changed the rest of my life. We visited the laboratory which was a in a grand house and grounds in Stoke Poges. We met Mr Nicholas who was a spectroscopist and he kindly showed us how he could find what was in a sample of metal by making it into a spark. He demonstrated this by placing a sample of Lithium metal in the spectroscope and turned on the spark. Suddenly the whole room filled with mauve light.
I was overawed but knew one thing – I wanted to be a scientist!
The first fifteen years I worked in Physical Chemistry research and the second half to work with young people to inspire them to have a career in science.
Thank you to all those many friends who helped me to have such a wonderful life.
Ronald Lewin – April 2020
Table of Contents
- Prologue
- Introduction
- The Physical Chemistry Laboratories
- The Fulmer departmental structure
- The senior research staff in Physical Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry staff list
- Aluminium sub-halide distillation
- Thermodynamic measurements – Aluminium halide systems
- The transport of beryllium
- Intermetallic compounds in the Uranium – Bismuth system
- Thermochemical properties of metal compounds
- Calorimetry
- Emissivity of gases at high temperatures
- The production of hardware for space
- Tungsten deposition for rocket nozzle throats
- Boron nitride vessels
- Protecting gas turbine blade cooling passages against degradation
- Gold coatings on plastics
- Bibliography: Papers
- Bibliography: Patents
- Acknowledgements
In 1945 Col W C Devereux[1] incorporated Almin Ltd, a group of companies manufacturing products from aluminium and magnesium alloys. His aim was to extend the use of light alloys to construction and consumer applications, based on the knowledge and expertise gained in the aircraft industry during the war.
Colonel Devereux purchased Holly Hill House, a large house with extensive grounds at Stoke Poges, as a permanent home for Fulmer Research Institute.
Dr Philipp Gross[2] moved from International Alloys Ltd (another Almin company) to become Fulmer’s Principal Scientist. He had had a distinguished career before the war as Professor of Physical Chemistry at Vienna University, but had been expelled from that post in 1938 on racial grounds and had taken refuge in England.
At International Alloys, Gross had recently patented a new route for producing aluminium from scrap or from ferro-aluminium so, at Fulmer, a Physical Chemistry Department in support of the Gross Process, was an important part of the plan.
In the event, Devereux sold the Gross process to the Canadian aluminium company Alcan who then sponsored Fulmer’s first research project.
The subject of this article is the establishment and development of Fulmer’s Physical Chemistry Department.
The Physical Chemistry Laboratories
It is true to say that a picture is better than a thousand words. This is certainly the case of the mansion which housed the Physical Chemistry Department from 1946.
Also in the mansion were housed other essential facilities including the Library , the Chemical Analysis Laboratory and General office. For this reason these and three other facilities and their proximity to the research staff are described below.
The architects and builders, believed to be Hartley’s of Wexham, should be congratulated on the conversion of a mansion to a research laboratory.
Except for aluminium framed glass doors and windows, little of the original brickwork and tessellated windows were altered.
The four interior research laboratories were cleared of their domestic use, the floors were given a bituminous covering and the surrounding walls used to bring gas, water and electricity to convenient positions.
The mansion faced due South and looked out to Windsor Castle about fifteen miles to the river Thames.
At the very far right behind the trees was the General Office. The aluminium façade of the Board Room, which was totally out of character but reflected that our major research work was borne out of the aluminium industry.
All the large bay windows, both up and down were the south facing windows of the Physical Chemistry laboratories.
The Fulmer departmental structure
Originally, seven departments were needed to meet the aims of Fulmer:
- Physical metallurgy
- Foundry, metal-working and ceramics
- Physical chemistry, chemical thermodynamics and extraction metallurgy,
- Physics, x-ray crystallography
- Engineering and mechanical testing
- Corrosion and electro deposition
- Chemical and spectrographic analysis
The senior research staff in Physical Chemistry
As the Principal Scientist, Dr Gross oversaw all the work in the Physical Chemistry Department including the design and construction of a pilot plant for the catalytic distillation process and the thermodynamic studies required to support optimization of the reaction conditions. However, he always delegated experimental work to his staff. “I am a theoretician” he said. He marvelled at the innate practical skills of his physical chemistry team. He confessed his total lack of any practical ability and never learned to drive.
Other Senior staff in the Physical Chemistry Department included Leon Levi, Charles Campbell and Colin Hayman.
Physical Chemistry staff list
From left to right, Back row – Pat Cutler, George Wilson, Liz Langley, Ron Lewin, Michael Stewart. Front row – Harold Smith, M Nicholas, Les Green, Pam Green.
Over the years other members included Nick Archer, Barry Bines, Jim Bingham, Roger Blachnic, Tony Bowry, Charles Campbell, Colin Hayman, Christine Chalk, John Christie, John Cullen, Geoff Curme, Dr Ehrlich, David Greene, Philipp Gross, Pam Green/Dear, Les Green, Domini Deegan, Ernest Dewing, Hans Joel, Peter Kent, Mike Lee, Leon Levi, Andy Linton, Stan Mroka, David Munro, John Perry, Dave Reynolds, Hillary Thornton and John Wardill.
Aluminium sub-halide distillation
The catalytic distillation process for producing Aluminium from an impure alloy or from scrap depended on the reaction
AlCl3 + 2 Al ⇌ 3 AlCl
The recycling process passed sublimed AlCl3 vapour at 200°C in a stream of an inert gas at one atmosphere over an impure alloy such as Al-Fe at 500°C when the reaction produced AlCl vapour. This vapour then flowed into a cooler area of the equipment where the reaction reversed. Aluminium metal condensed out and the AlCl3 returned for further recycling.
Before the move to Holly Hill, laboratory experiments had shown that Dr Gross’s process was feasible. Now it was necessary to demonstrate its viability at pilot plant level. When the first new building was constructed at Fulmer, in addition to a foundry, a fully equipped workshop, and a heat treatment lab, a large area was provided for building the aluminium distillation pilot plant.
The pilot plant project was headed by Charles Campbell and Dr Ehrlich, a German chemical engineer, who had worked at the German rocket site at Peenemunde Army Research Centre during the second world war.
Thermodynamic measurements – Aluminium halide systems
In parallel with the work on the pilot plant, laboratory experiments were continued in the new laboratories in the main house to obtain thermodynamic data relating to the aluminium chloride sub-halide process. The research work was headed up by the physical chemist Leon Levi.
The equipment for thermodynamic studies was often designed to transport gases through equipment made from Pyrex glass, ceramic tubes and furnaces in order to measure temperatures and pressures for the reaction process.
The research staff needed to make their own equipment, do their own glass blowing and learn general workshop skills. We were fortunate to be trained in glass blowing by Peter Kent. The passing out test was to make a Liebig condenser.
The transport of beryllium
The American Air Force gave us a contract to measure the transport of beryllium in beryllium dichloride vapour at 10-4 atmospheres and in the temperature range 1250 – 1500 K. The transport results from the reaction
Be(s) + BeCl2 (g) ⇌ 2 BeCl (g)
agreed with those extrapolated by previous researchers. However the interpretation of the transport experiments, could not be reconciled with the spectroscopy equilibrium values.
Because of the toxicity of beryllium compounds, the beryllium experiments employing the effusion principle were carried out within a specially designed room. The experiments were difficult to construct and the main high temperature sections of the equipment were made from fused quartz.[3]
Intermetallic compounds in the Uranium – Bismuth system
The Atomic Energy Research Establishment was investigating passing liquid bismuth containing uranium intermetallic compounds around heat exchanger systems. The U-Bi phase diagram is very complex and metallurgical evidence was controversial. With our knowledge of thermochemical measurements we were asked to investigate parts of the uranium-bismuth phase diagram at 742°C. An effusion cell was designed to contain a range of U-Bi alloys made in situ.[4] An innovative method was used to measure heats and free energies of formation of the intermetallic compounds in the Uranium – Bismuth system. The results showed the existence of the intermetallic compound U3Bi5.
Thermochemical properties of metal compounds
The use of thermochemical equilibria for the appraisal of metallurgical processes such as aluminium metal production and refining was being increasingly recognised.
Dr Gross, when Professor of chemistry in Vienna, had known M H Rand who was now at AERE and O Kubaschewski who was now at NPL. They co-operated on some measurements through private communications and in the following book
The Thermochemical Properties of Uranium Compounds M. H. Rand and O. Kubaschewski – Publisher Oliver and Boyd
By the early 50’s the American Space Programme had started in earnest and they were keen to use our expertise in thermochemistry. At this time Colin Hayman joined the physical chemistry staff. He became interested in calorimetry and over many years headed a team of physical chemists who became very skilled in difficult measurements.
The heats of formation of about fifty inorganic compounds were accurately determined and published. A particular area of expertise was halogen bomb calorimetry. We believe that at that time Fulmer was the only laboratory worldwide measuring heats of formation by direct combustion in fluorine gas.
Another approach used was solution calorimetry including solution in hot hydrofluoric acid.
For more details on Fulmer’s calorimetry work see a separate article by David Davies and Barry Bines. (V856)
Emissivity of gases at high temperatures
At high temperatures radiation from gases plays an important part in heat transfer, and emissivity data are therefore important for the design of equipment. Measurements were made of total radiation from a flowing column of gas contained in a refractory tube which was open at both ends, the length of the gas column being defined by use of exactly balanced opposing streams of argon to form a “gas barrier” at each end of the tube.
The emitted radiation was measured by a sensitive thermopile in conjunction with an optical system containing a concave mirror as the image-forming element, with a diaphragm placed close to its focal plane to exclude radiation from the furnace components surrounding the gas. Provision was made for measuring total radiation from the gas with black body backgrounds at various temperatures. The entire apparatus was mounted on a water-cooled optical bench. Emissivities of gases were measured at temperatures up to 1000°C.
The production of hardware for space
As the British, European and American space programmes developed there was a shift in contracts towards the production of hardware for use in space where the expertise of the physical chemistry staff was needed
Projects moved from thermochemical measurements of metal halides and calorimetry into making items where a knowledge of physical chemistry and the associated specialised techniques was required.
Projects included the manufacture of metal coatings and free standing artefacts from materials including tungsten and molybdenum. Other coating processes were developed for nickel, rhenium, gold and boron nitride.
Tungsten deposition for rocket nozzle throats
One particular use was the coating of the outlet nozzle of rockets where the throat was made of dense graphite and coated with a few millimetres of high quality tungsten. The particular feature of the chemistry was passing tungsten hexafluoride vapour at 20°C over a heated surface at 500°C in a stream of hydrogen at the stoichiometric ratio to build up a coating of tungsten.
WF6 + 3H2 → W + 6HF
Although the laboratory had considerable experience of metal halide chemistry this was the first time we had been asked to use our chemical knowledge to produce physical objects.
Hitherto the outcome of our projects had taken the form of reports and papers.
This change was rather a culture shock. Usually in negotiating a contract one question we put to the sponsor was “Where will we publish the results?” Their response was “We are not concerned about where you publish the results; we just want you to make the hardware and we will fix it to a test rocket!”
One innovative product was the manufacture of small tungsten vessels. 1cm stainless steel bars were coated with tungsten in a rotating furnace and when coated and cooled, the steel and tungsten separated and the tungsten layer cut into two halves to produce two perfect tungsten vessels.
Boron nitride vessels
The compound boron nitride (BN) is isoelectronic with carbon and forms a similar crystallographic structure. Cubic boron nitride is as hard as diamond while hexagonal boron nitride is soft with a layered structure similar to graphite.
Chemical vapour deposition of BN results in a turbo-stratic structure in which the grains are all orientated with their hexagonal layers parallel to the plane of deposition. This results in very anisotropic properties such as thermal conductivity when compared to powder fabrication techniques such as hot isostatic pressing. When making crucibles for melting semiconductor materials, CVD has the great advantage that the thermal conductivity is high around the vessel wall and low across the thickness of the wall.
Boron nitride is fabricated using CVD by passing a gaseous boron compound and a gaseous nitrogen compound into a chamber at reduced pressure of 5 mm Hg and heated to 1900 – 1950°C containing a graphite mould shaped according to the required finished article.
The following reaction takes place at the heated surface
BF3 + NH3 → BN + 3HF
Acknowledgements to Tony Bowry and Colin Hayman who developed this process.
Protecting gas turbine blade cooling passages against degradation
The development of coatings for the external and internal surfaces of turbine blades is a triumph of applied thermochemistry. It required the theoretical expertise and experience of Fulmer staff to the application of a very challenging problem. The coating process required immense throwing power since the internal cooling passages in a turbine blade were typically 2mm diameter and 150 mm long. What is very satisfying is to think that the original idea of Dr Gross over fifty years ago to produce aluminium using a sub halide is the basis of the deposition of aluminide coatings on jet-engine turbine blades.
Acknowledgement to Colin Hayman and Nick Archer
Gold coatings on plastics
To fulfil a defence requirement, an aqueous spray gold process was developed to form an adhered gold film onto FEP – fluorinated ethylene-propylene polymers as a means to render it electrically conductive.
The polymer surface had to be pre-treated by peening with glass beads to roughen the surface to provide a key for the gold to adhere and then it had to be chemically etched to render it hydrophilic so the gold spray could wet the entire surface. An effective etchant was sodium metal and naphthalene dissolved in acetone.
The gold solution was prepared by dissolving pure gold grain in aqua regia, (nitric acid and hydrochloric acid) and diluting to a working concentration. The reducing agent was similarly diluted to a working strength and the two solutions sprayed simultaneously onto the surface where they reacted to form a continuous gold film.[5] It was subsequently shown that decorative finishes in gold could also be produced on other plastics using appropriate pre-treatments.
Acknowledgement to Michael Stuart who perfected this process
[3] See paper G471 in the Bibliography
[4] A novel method was used to make the reactants in finely divided form in situ; See paper G474 in the Bibliography
[5] See paper G503 in the Bibliography
Bibliography: Papers
G437 | Gross P, Hayman C, Stuart M C (1967), “Halogen Combustion Calorimetry of Refractory Compounds: The Heats of Formation of Boron Nitride and Boron Fluoride”, Proceedings of the British Ceramic Society, no 8, June 1967, pp 39-50 |
G438 | Gross P, Hayman C, Levi D L (1955) Heats of Formation of Metallic Halides: Titanium Tetrachloride, Trans Faraday Soc vol 51 p 626-629 |
G440 | P. Gross, C.Hayman, HEATS OF FORMATION OF LIGHT ELEMENT COMPOUNDS,1 SEPTEMBER 1960 – 31st DECEMBER 1969, R.163/38/March 1970. Fulmer Research Institute Ltd.,Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, England |
G441 | The heat of formation and transition temperature of solid lithium hexafluoroaluminate, P.D.Greene, P.Gross.and C.Hayman, Trans.Faraday Soc., 64, 633, (1968). |
G442 | The heat of formation of aluminium chloride, P Gross and C Hayman, Trans.Faraday Soc., 66, 565, (1970). |
G443 | Gross P, Hayman C, Levi D L (1954) , The Heats of Formation of Metal Halides: Aluminium fluoride, Trans Faraday Soc, No 377, vol 50, p 477-480 |
G444 | Gross P, Hayman C, Joel H A (1968) ,The heat of formation of the fluoborates of lithium, sodium And potassium, Trans Faraday Soc vol 64 p 317-322 |
G445 | Greene P G, Gross P, Hayman C (1968) The heat of formation and transition temperature of Solid lithium hexafluoroaluminate, , Trans.Faraday Soc., 64, 633 |
G446 | Gross P, Hayman C (1970) ,The heat of formation of aluminium chloride, Trans Faraday Soc vol 66 p565 |
G447 | Blachnik R O G, Gross P, Hayman C (1970) ,Enthalpies of formation of the carbides of aluminium and beryllium, Trans Faraday Soc 1970, 66, pp1058-1064 |
G448 | P. Gross, C.Hayman, R H Lewin, G C Curme (1969) HEATS OF FORMATION OF LIGHT ELEMENT COMPOUNDS, 1 January 1960 – 31 March 1969 R.163/34/April 1969. Fulmer Research Institute Ltd.,Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, England |
G449 | Gross P, Hayman C et al (1959) XVIIth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Munich, Inorganic Chemistry, A405, 90 |
G450 | P. Gross, C. Hayman and D. L. Levi (1957) ,The heats of formation of metal halides. Zirconium tetrachloride, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1957,53, 1285-1288 |
G451 | P. Gross, C. Hayman, D. L. Levi and G. L. Wilson (1960) , The heats of formation of metal halides. Niobium and tantalum pentachlorides , Trans Faraday Soc vol 56 p318-321 |
G452 | Gross P, Hayman C (1964) Heats of formation of metal halides. Tetrachlorides of vanadium and hafnium , Trans Faraday Soc vol 60 p45-9 |
G453 | Gross P, Hayman C, Greene P D, Bingham J T (1966) ,Heats of formation of α′-beryllium chloride and α- and β-beryllium nitride, Trans Faraday Soc vol 62 p2719-2724 |
G454 | Gross P, Hayman C,Levi D L (1957) ,The heats of formation of metal halides. Titanium tetrabromide, with revised data on titanium tetrachloride, Trans Faraday Soc vol 53 p1601-5 |
G455 | P. Gross, C. Hayman, D. L. Levi and G. L. Wilson (1962)Heats of formation of metal halides: pentabromides of niobium and tantalum , Trans Faraday Soc vol 58 p890-894 |
G456 | Gross P, Hayman C, Bingham J T (1966) ,Heats of formation of germanium tetrafluoride and of the germanium dioxides, Trans Faraday Soc vol 62 p2388-2394 |
G457 | Gross P, Hayman C, Levi D L (1953) ,Trans Faraday Soc vol 50 p477 |
G460 | Hayman C (1967) . Proceedings of Thermodynamic-Symposium, K. Schafer (Ed) paper I-7, Heidelberg, 1967 |
G464 | Gross P, Campbell C S, Kent P J C, Levi D L,l (1948) On some equilibria involving aluminium monohalides, Discussions of the Faraday Society, Vol 4, pp206-215 |
G465 | Gross P, Warrington Mrs M (1948), The reduction of zinc sulphide by iron under reduced pressure, Discussions of the Faraday Society, Vol 4, pp215-217 |
G466 | GROSS. P. ,Sub-Halide Distillation of Aluminium, Presented to the Aluminium Congress, June 1954. |
G469 | P. Gross and G. L. Wilson (1970) Composition and heat of combination of a double oxide of iron and sodium, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1970, 1913-1916 |
G470 | Gross P, Hayman C and Stuart M C (1969) Heat of formation of boron phosphide , Trans. Faraday Soc., 65, 2628-2632 |
G471 | P. Gross and R. H. Lewin (1973), Transport of beryllium in beryllium dichloride vapour, Faraday Symp. Chem. Soc., 1973,8, 158-164 |
G472 | P. Gross, C. Hayman and S. Mwroka (1969), Heat of formation of silicon tetrachloride , Trans. Faraday Soc., 1969,65, 2856-2859 |
G473 | P. Gross and C. Hayman (1970), Enthalpy of formation of aluminium chloride, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1970,66, 30-32 |
G474 | Gross, P; Levi, D L; Lewin, R H (1959), “Activities in Uranium-Bismuth Alloys and the Free Energies of Uranium-Bismuth Compounds”, The Physical Chemistry of Metallic Solutions and Intermetallic Compounds, 2, HMSO, London |
G502 | Gross P and Stuart M C (1971) On the Equilibrium Pressure of Cuprous Chloride in the Segregation Reaction, Metallurgical Chemistry – Proceedings of a symposium held at Brunel University and at the National Physical Laboratory, London HMSO 1972, SBN 11 |
G503 | Stuart M C (1979) The Development of a Gold-Based Activator for AutoCatalytic Plating, Gold Bulletin, Volume 12, issue 2,pp 58-61 |
Bibliography: Patents
P6025 | US2470306 (A) | 17/05/1949 | Process for the production and refining of metals | Philipp Gross |
P6026 | US2470305 (A) | 17/05/1949 | Process for the production and refining of aluminium | Philipp Gross |
P6027 | FI23930 (A) | 10/09/1949 | Destillationsförfarande för framställning eller raffinering av metaller | Philipp Gross |
P6028 | CA462076 (A) | 27/12/1949 | PRODUCING OR REFINING METALS | Gross Philipp |
P6029 | CA462075 (A) | 27/12/1949 | PRODUCTION OR REFINING OF ALUMINIUM | Gross Philipp |
P6030 | DE816615 (C) | 11/10/1951 | Futterzerkleinerungsmaschine | Gross Philipp |
P6031 | DE816774 (C) | 11/10/1951 | Schneidwerk fuer Haeckselmaschinen | Gross Philipp |
P6032 | DE816924 (C) | 15/10/1951 | Maschine zum Zerkleinern von Viehfutter | Gross Philipp |
P6033 | DE828191 (C) | 17/01/1952 | Schrotmuehle mit abgefederter Laeuferwelle | Gross Philipp |
P6049 | DE830113C | 31/01/1952 | A process for the production and purification of aluminium | Dr Philip Gross |
P1002 | GB666869 (A) | 20/02/1952 | Improvements relating to the distillation of metals | Dr Philip Gross |
P6048 | DE829801C | 06/03/1952 | A method for distilling metals | Dr Philip Gross |
P6034 | DE831606 (C) | 15/04/1952 | Verfahren zur Herstellung oder Reinigung von Metallen | Gross Dr Philipp |
P6035 | US2607675 (A) | 19/08/1952 | Distillation of metals | Philipp Gross |
P6036 | DE850532 (C) | 25/09/1952 | Trommel zur Feinzerkleinerung von Rueben u. dgl. | Gross Philipp |
P6037 | DE851143 (C) | 02/10/1952 | Maschine zum Zerkleinern von Rueben und anderem Viehfutter | Gross Philipp |
P6038 | DE851142 (C) | 02/10/1952 | Futterzerkleinerungsmaschine | Gross Philipp |
P6039 | DE861226 (C) | 29/12/1952 | Pneumatische Foerderanlage, insbesondere zum Foerdern von nassem Gut | Gross Philipp Kleiber Kurt |
P6040 | DE861225 (C) | 29/12/1952 | Pneumatische Foerderanlage mit Zerkleinerungsmaschine, insbesondere zum Foerdern von nassem Gut | Gross Philipp Kleiber Kurt |
P1011 | GB719058 (A) | 24/11/1954 | Improvements in the production of aluminium from aluminium alloys | |
P1012 | GB719551 (A) | 01/12/1954 | Production and purification of titanium | |
P1013 | GB723880 (A) | 16/02/1955 | Production and purification of titanium | |
P1014 | GB723879 (A) | 16/02/1955 | Production and purification of titanium | |
P5002 | US2718464 (A) | 20/09/1955 | Production and purification of titanium | Philipp Gross Levi David Leon |
P5004 | CA527758 (A) | 17/07/1956 | DISTILLATION OF METALS | Gross Philipp |
P1018 | US2760857 (A) | 28/08/1956 | Production and purification of titanium | Philipp Gross David Leon Levi |
P1019 | US2764480 (A) | 25/09/1956 | Production and purification of titanium | Philipp Gross David Leon Levi |
P1099 | DE950092 (C) | 04/10/1956 | Production and purification of titanium | Philipp Gross David Leon Levi |
P1100 | DE950758 (C) | 18/10/1956 | Production and purification of titanium | Philipp Gross David Leon Levi |
P1022 | US2785973 (A) | 19/03/1957 | Production and purification of titanium | Philipp Gross David Leon Levi |
P1023 | CA542182 (A) | 11/06/1957 | Production and purification of titanium | Philipp Gross David Leon Levi |
P1024 | CA542181 (A) | 11/06/1957 | Production and purification of titanium | Philipp Gross David Leon Levi |
P6042 | DE1747635 (U) | 27/06/1957 | VIEHTRAENKE MIT DURCH DAS VIEH SELBSTBETAETIGTER PUMPE. | Gross Philipp |
P1027 | CA549299 (A) | 26/11/1957 | Production and purification of titanium | Gross Philipp Levi David L |
P1028 | CA549298 (A) | 26/11/1957 | Production and purification of titanium | Gross Philipp Levi David L |
P6043 | DE1791252 (U) | 02/07/1959 | ERDUNGSSTAB FUER ELEKTRISCHE WEIDEZAEUNE. | Gross Philipp |
P6044 | DE1810563 (U) | 28/04/1960 | SELBSTTRAENKENDE WEIDEPUMPE | Gross Philipp |
P1031 | GB912829 (A) | 12/12/1962 | Improvements relating to the bonding together of plastics materials | Kent Peter John Charles Lewin Ronald Harvey |
P1101 | DE976700 (C) | 05/03/1964 | Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Aluminium | Gross Philipp Dewing Ernest William |
IT950934 (B) | 20/06/1973 | FORMAZIONE DI CARBURI DI TUNGSTENO E DI MOLIBDENO | Lewin R H Cecil Hayman |
P1054 | DE2323652 (A1) | 29/11/1973 | Chemical deposition of titanium compound(s) – with carbon and/or nitrogen onto metallic or non-metallic substrates | Hayman Cecil |
P1069 | SE405592 (B) SE7500227 (L) |
18/12/1978 | Wolfram- und Molybdaencarbide | Lewin R H Hayman C |
P6045 | US4156042 A | 22/05/1979 | Coating articles having fine bores or narrow cavities in a pack-cementation process | Cecil Hayman James E. Restall |
P6046 | GB1549845A | 08/08/1979 | Diffusion coating of metal or other articles | Cecil Hayman James E. Restall |
Thanks are due to David Davies for compiling the Bibliography and to Brian Tranter for producing the formatted article.
Apr 2020
FRHG ref: V866