On July 2nd 1947 the Fulmer Research Institute was officially opened by Sir Stafford Cripps.
Details about the new institute, its construction, equipment and most important the key members of staff were descried in a brochure produced for the opening.
25th Anniversary
In 1971 Fulmer celebrated 25 years with an anniversary brochure highlighting its many successes.
In November 1991 BNF Fulmer produced a brochure describing the services of the merged organisations.
Annual Reviews & Newsletters
The Fulmer Research Institute (FRI) Newsletters and Annual Reviews together with the 25th Anniversary Review provide an insight into how the institute developed and the work carried out.
Newsletters & Updates
The first Fulmer Newsletter, April 1968
1967 Facts and Figures, Metal-Alumina Laminates, Chromium Research, Prospects for 1968, Structure of Liquid Metals
Work for Industry, Anti-Corrosive Oil, Aluminium Lead Bearings, Retirement of Dr P Gross, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Forrest Thermal Fatigue Machine.
Dr W.E. Duckworth Director Designate, Chromium Research, Testing of Windows, Fracture Toughness Testing, Mr B.A. Hatt, Refractory Metal Deposition.
Yarsley supply equipment for eclipse experiment.
Fulmer Materials Optimizer
Industrial Training and Technology Transfer (Pakistan Metals Advisory Service), Education Project, Training R&D Managers in Project Planning, Fulmer Materials Optimiser.
Technical Services to Industry including Diesel Engine Failure, Safety in Toys, Fitness-for-Purpose Testing, Award of OBE to Dr VE Yarsley.
Product Design and Development. New Opportunities for British industry
Singapore. A dynamic experience. The official opening of Fulmer’s newest subsiduary
Golden Jubilee Edition. The 50th edition since the first single sheet in 1968.
Robotics, Friend or foe?
CVD Coating – a Review of Fulmer Technology, Piezoelectric & Pyroelectric PVdF Films, IFWIM Testing of Reinforced Plastics, Scub-Resistant Intumescent Paints, New Technical Manager for Fulmer Singapore.
Mathematical Modelling and its Applications, Computerised Copolymerisation, Yarsley Quality Assurance Accreditation.
Technological Consultancy, Design Appraisal Service for Plastic Products and Moulds, YQAF Quality Assured Firm, Fire Consultancy, Fulmer Prize Winners.
Sir John Collier F Eng- new Fulmer Chairman, Magnets and Magnetic Materials, Magnetic Media Abrasivity, Super-Conducting Magnets, Opening of the Trafford Building at Fulmer-Yarsley’s Redhill Site.
Significant progress reorienting business. Financial performance disappointing. Confidence in the validity of the general business strategy remains high. Fulmer’s range of technological services to industry was strengthened.
Fire rated curtain walls for Broadgate, Manufacturers wary of new valve test, Design services for the construction industry, Fulmer introduces new toxicity testing service for toys, Cutting heat loss in Buildings.